TOXIIC is Trinity Old English from the XIIth Century, a corpus of twelfth-century copies of Old English texts from manuscripts not well represented in existing resources like the Dictionary of Old English Corpus. The initial release (October 2018) comprises 60 transcriptions from three manuscripts:

For a complete list of texts and manuscripts that I hope to include in the project, see the list here.

The transcriptions aim to reproduce the text of the manuscripts as they left the hands of their scribes as closely as possible, whilst minimizing mark-up that hinders automated processing. Later corrections, marginal and interlinear glosses are not therefore included. For a detailed account of the transcription methodology, see the TOXIIC transcription conventions.

The initial release is available as passworded zip files. Because I am keen to maintain a record of who uses TOXIIC, you will need to contact me to obtain the password to unzip the files.

This pilot phase of TOXIIC has been funded by the Benefactions Fund of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Trinity College Dublin. Thanks are due to the three research assistants who have worked on the project: Danielle Austin, Joana Blanquer and Claire Dillon.